Revised: 4/10/24



Article I - Name, Purpose, Organization, and Membership

Article II - Government

Article III - Finance

Article IV - Election of Officers

Article V - Meetings

Article VI - Removal from Office

Article VII - Rules of Order

Article VIII - Amendments

Article IX - Dissolution or Liquidation

Article X - Policies and Procedures



Article I – Name, Purpose, Organization, and Membership


I. The name of the organization shall be Soccer Club of Reedsburg.


II. Soccer Club of Reedsburg may conduct business as “SCOR” or “Soccer Club of Reedsburg” and is referred to herein as “SCOR”.


III. SCOR shall be a separately-run organization that manages the youth soccer program in the Reedsburg, Wisconsin area as a non-profit Sports Program.


IV. The purpose of the SCOR Soccer Program is to provide quality instruction, an enhanced level of competition, the benefit of increased practice/playing time, and promote team spirit. All of these goals are provided with the expressed intent of preparing the participants for a higher level of play (i.e. high school). These goals require more discipline, commitment and effort from participants, coaches, and parents. In spite of the fact that SCOR Travel soccer teams are involved in a higher and more intense level of competition, the SCOR Board’s Purpose and Administrative Procedures remain applicable.


V. No one shall be denied participation because of lack of money to pay the registration fee.




Article II – Government


I. The board of directors shall have the general supervision management, and control of the affairs and business of the SCOR Organization. The board of directors shall consist of a minimum of seven voting members. Each Board Member will have the option to serve a total of 6 consecutive years. However, each position on the board is a one year appointment, thus, each Board Members role and responsibilities will be up for review at the end of each year.


II. Election, Terms of Office, and Eligibility


Office of the President

The President shall serve at least a one-year appointment. Duties shall be to preside over all meetings of the board of directors and annual meetings, and have the general supervision and management of the organization, subject to the control of the board of directors. The President shall have such special duties as may be prescribed by these by-laws or delegated to him by resolution of the board of directors. The President may assign advisors to the board of directors providing they are directly, or indirectly, involved in youth soccer. Their role is to advise, without voting privileges. The President is entitled to one vote on the board of directors.


Office of Vice President/Registrar - The Registration Chair shall serve at least a one year appointment. The Registration Chair shall be responsible for updating the SCOR website for registration as well as to oversee the registration process. Also responsible for making sure there is proper communication/publication about registration.


Office of Secretary

The Secretary shall serve at least a one-year appointment. The Secretary shall keep a complete and permanent record of all proceedings of the membership meetings and of the board of directors meetings, and shall give such notice of meetings as prescribed by the by-laws. This person is entitled to one vote on the board of directors.


Office of Treasurer

The Treasure shall serve at least a one-year appointment. The Treasurer shall be the fiscal and disbursing agent of the organization and shall keep and account for all monies, credits, and property received and disbursed as well as to endorse all checks, notes, bills of exchange, or other evidences of indebtedness; shall deposit funds coming into possession in such depositories as may from time to time be designated by resolution of the board of directors; and shall in addition, perform such other and special duties as may be vested in the treasurer by these by-laws or delegated by resolution of the board of directors. The person is entitled to one vote on the board of directors.


Advisors to the Board

Advisors are for the purpose of assisting the board to make decisions for the benefit of the organization. No advisor shall be allowed to use the board for political profit or monetary gain. Advisors shall change as conditions affecting the organization change. The president shall appoint advisors as non-voting members. Possible advisors may be but are not limited to the following categories; past presidents, athletic directors, past and current coaches, city recreational officials, youth programs coordinators and any other with the interests of the SCOR Organization.


General Board Members

The General Board Members can serve up to 10 consecutive years. Each board member will be appointed to a chair position for at least one year.  The General Board Members shall be expected to chair a minimum of one Committee Chair position. Each General Board Member is entitled to one vote on the board of directors.


III. Committee Chairs


Director of Coaching/Reffing Chair– The Coach Coordinator Chair shall serve at least a one year appointment. The Coach Coordinator Chair shall be responsible for the recruitment, orientation and support of the volunteer coaching staff at all age levels.


In house Chair – The in-house chair shall serve at least a one year appointment. The In house Chair shall be responsible for the development, organization, and administration of the in house programs.


Equipment Chair – The equipment chair shall serve at least a one year appointment.  The equipment chair shall responsible for the organizing and supplying the coaches with equipment and inventorying the equipment.  The equipment chair will also assist the treasures wil ordering needs for the teams.


Scholarship Chair - The scholarship chair shall serve at least a one year appointment. The scholarship chair shall be responsible for the coordination with the application, delivery, organization, and administration of all scholarship program.


Social Media/Promotional Chair - The social media/promotional chair shall serve at least a one year appointment. The social media/promotional chair shall be responsible for managing event promotion and maintaining all social media communications (Facebook) and outreach (newspapers, Viking sign, airport sign, community signs and posters); to increase and update online visibility and social media presence.


Article III – Finance



I. A Treasurer report shall be on the agenda of each general board meeting and delivered by the Treasurer. In the Treasurers absence the President will deliver this report. The Treasurer report shall include but not be limited:

- Account balances relative to all existing working cash, long-term savings and investments.

- Quantities and sources of all revenue from previous report to present.

- Quantities and sources of all expenses from previous report to present.


II. The Treasurer shall provide the President or other appointed Board Member of the Board of Directors with online access to all banking information.


III. Password for online banking access shall be changed periodically, and after a member of the Board of Directors is no longer part of SCOR.



Article IV – Election of Officers


I. The Executive Board of the SCOR shall consist of the President, Vice President/Registrar, Secretary, Treasurer, and all chair positions (General Board Members).


II. The President, Vice President/Registrar, Secretary, Treasurer, and all chair positions (General Board Members) shall be nominated by any SCOR member. Once nominated, they will be elected by the existing board members. This process will occur prior to each Fall SCOR season.


III. All vacancies for any reason shall be filled by appointments by the President for the balance of the term of office. All appointments are subject to approval by the SCOR Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled meeting.



Article V – Meetings


Place of Meeting

All meetings of the members shall be at a time and place determined by the board of directors.


Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of members shall be at a centrally located site in the city of Reedsburg, held prior to each fall season in August.


Notice of Annual Meeting

The Secretary of the organization shall give not less than five, (5), days notice to each active member by email and other social media to state the time and place of the meeting. 


Special Meetings

Special meetings of the members may be called by the Secretary when directed by the President or upon written direction of a majority of the board of directors and shall be called by the Secretary when requested by one-fifth of the active members of the organization. The Secretary shall give notice of such meetings in the manner provided in the section on notice of annual meeting.  The Special meetings can be held if 5 of the 7 members are present, in person or virtually. 


Conduct of Meetings

The President, or, in his/her absence, the President will appoint a Board Member to preside at meetings of the members. There will be ten (10) scheduled meetings each year.


Attendance of Board Members at monthly meetings

Board members are required to attend at least 75% of the meetings during the calendar year. If a member falls below this level, they will be visited with and could be subject to removal.



Article VI – Removal From Office


I. Any Officer or Director who misses three (3) regular Board meetings during any fiscal year may be relieved of his/her office or directorship and be replaced.

II. If it shall be called to the attention of the Board that it would be in the best interest of SCOR that a member of the Board of Directors be removed from office, he/she may be removed by the following procedure:

- Notification in writing to the member in question of pending action concerning his removal at least ten (10) days prior to consideration by the Board of Directors.

- For due cause and by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of all Board members, the Board of Directors may remove such director from office.



Article VII – Rules of Order


I. When deemed necessary by the President or requested by the majority of the Board, Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the proceedings of all meetings of SCOR.



Article VIII – Amendments


The initial by-laws shall be adopted by the board of directors. Any by-law adopted by the board of directors is subject to repeal or amendment by the members of the board of directors.



Article IX – Dissolution or Liquidation


In the event of liquidation or dissolution of the organization, no dividends or distribution of property then owned by the organization shall be declared or paid to any member, officer, or trustee of the organization. In the event of liquidation or dissolution of the organization, the assets of the organization after payment of debts, obligations, and liabilities shall be used for the charitable or educational purposes of this organization.


1. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered. In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets shall be distributed to organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501 (c’)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.



Article X – Policies and Procedures


I. The policies of SCOR establishing rules and procedures for the conduct of the affairs of SCOR upon matters not inconsistent with the Bylaws may be adopted by a majority vote of the board of directors.


II. The Board shall establish rules for the operations of its soccer teams by a majority vote of the Board of Directors

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